My cats, Buster & Rowdy, miss me. Their routine has been upset since we spent a week in Illinois and I've been working a temp job for the past two weeks. I haven't spent any time the past few weeks sitting in my computer chair at home, where the cats take turns sitting on my lap. And I haven't watched much TV in the evenings because I've had too many other things to get caught up on that I haven't been able to do during the daytime since I've been gone or working. Since I haven't worked in two years, Buster & Rowdy have gotten used to having me at home so they can hop on my lap every time I sit down. They take turns sitting on me, but one of them sits and stares at me and the cat on my lap until it is his turn to sit on me. They are very affectionate kitties. Whoever it was that said cats are independent, is not describing my cats. They love having me at home and they stay by my side constantly. Since we returned from Illinois, BOTH cats have been sleeping with us. And this morning when I was in the bathroom putting on my make up, Rowdy got up on the closed toilet seat, knocked the toilet paper off the dispenser (It just slides on.) and proceeded to chew the paper! I wasn't paying any attention to him and I didn't realize what he had done until AFTER I had applied all of my make up! Tonight when I get home from work, I'd better sit down on the couch and pet my kitties for awhile. I think they need some TLC.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Buster & Rowdy
My cats, Buster & Rowdy, miss me. Their routine has been upset since we spent a week in Illinois and I've been working a temp job for the past two weeks. I haven't spent any time the past few weeks sitting in my computer chair at home, where the cats take turns sitting on my lap. And I haven't watched much TV in the evenings because I've had too many other things to get caught up on that I haven't been able to do during the daytime since I've been gone or working. Since I haven't worked in two years, Buster & Rowdy have gotten used to having me at home so they can hop on my lap every time I sit down. They take turns sitting on me, but one of them sits and stares at me and the cat on my lap until it is his turn to sit on me. They are very affectionate kitties. Whoever it was that said cats are independent, is not describing my cats. They love having me at home and they stay by my side constantly. Since we returned from Illinois, BOTH cats have been sleeping with us. And this morning when I was in the bathroom putting on my make up, Rowdy got up on the closed toilet seat, knocked the toilet paper off the dispenser (It just slides on.) and proceeded to chew the paper! I wasn't paying any attention to him and I didn't realize what he had done until AFTER I had applied all of my make up! Tonight when I get home from work, I'd better sit down on the couch and pet my kitties for awhile. I think they need some TLC.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Trip to Florida!!!

Yesterday while I was at work, I logged onto the Internet and on the AOL front page, there was an ad for some very low Southwest Airline fares. The low fares are good through tomorrow. Bob and I want to go to Florida to visit friends and family and I would like to go in January for my birthday and when it is good and cold in Dallas. I told Bob that I want to go to Tampa, Lake Placid, Jacksonville, Ft. Lauderdale, Sarasota, and Vero Beach to start. He asked me if I'd ever looked at a map of Florida!! I'm hoping that maybe some of these people will come to where I'll be staying too. I plan to make "my base" at my dad's house in Lake Placid -- in the middle of the state. I am planning to have a lunch with my Sarasota Red Hat group, the Sorority of the Red Hat Sisters and my Florida Navy Moms friends too. Bob and I bought our tickets last night and now I am ready to go! I can't wait!
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Eurydice (Εὐρυδίκη, Eurydíkē) (yur-ID-ih-see) in Greek mythology, was an oak nymph or one of the daughters of Apollo (the god of light). She was the wife of Orpheus. Orpheus loved her dearly; on their wedding day, Orpheus played songs filled with happiness as his bride danced through the meadow. One day, a satyr saw and pursued her. Eurydice stepped on a snake and fell to the ground. The venomous snake had bitten her, leaving Eurydice dead. Distraught, Orpheus played and sang so mournfully that all the nymphs and gods wept. In their saddened states, they told him to travel to the Underworld and retrieve her. Orpheus did so, and by his music softened the hearts of Hades and Persephone, his singing so sweet that even the Erinyes wept. In another version, Orpheus played his lyre to put the guardian of Hades, Cerberus, to sleep. It was then granted that Eurydice be allowed to return with him to the world of the living. But the condition was attached that he should walk in front of her and not look back until he had reached the upper world. Nevertheless, Orpheus in his passion for her, and just at the portals of Hades when they had reached daylight and climbed up all through hell together, could not help but turn around to gaze on her face. Eurydice then vanished again from his sight—this time forever.
This is what is written in Wikipedia. The play was well done and Donny did a great job as Orpheus.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Exciting Time in the Neighborhood
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Allergies!! Even though I use Flonase spray in my nose every day and take Allegra every day, I still battle allergies at certain times of the year. I also receive an email every day from and I try to watch for the allergens that bother me the most -- oak, for one. I try to stay indoors as much as possible and keep all the windows closed and I STILL get the scratchy throat, sneezing and runny nose. When we were traveling last week, we stopped inTulsa for one night on the way to IL and another night in Tulsa on the way back home. Tulsa is the Allergy Capital of the US! When I lived there, I was miserable most of the time with allergies. Now, even when I drive through Tulsa and stay overnight, I start sneezing and wiping my nose. AhhhhChooooo! Here I go again!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Same Kind of Different As Me

Last week when Bob and I were in the car for 12 hours, driving from Dallas to Springfield, IL, I read this book -- "Same Kind of Different As Me". Two of my friends had recommended that I read it. It was a WONDERFUL story about a black homeless man (Denver Moore), a white wealthy man (Ron Hall) and Ron Hall's wife (Deborah Hall), who live in Ft. Worth/Dallas. I won't give away any of the details about the book. Just read it for yourself! It is a very touching story about faith and loving all people for who they are on the inside. Since Bob and I live in downtown Dallas, we see a lot of homeless people. They hang out downtown during the daytime since they have no place else to go. Many of them stay on the streets at night, but some do go to shelters. I have become friends with Bradley and Darryl. They are "Zine" vendors, making their money by selling these newspapers about the homeless issues. Bradley stands on the Starbucks corner across the street from our apartment building. I bought his newspaper now and then when I was walking back and forth from the law office where I temped for 3 months. He was always very pleasant and we exchanged names and then more and more information as the time went on. I meet Bradley for tea at Starbucks every couple of weeks or lunch now and then and we each talk about what is going on in our lives. It's nice to have a friend like Bradley, who has a great sense of humor and keeps me laughing. He says I do the same for him. Darryl sells his newspapers on the corner in the opposite direction from our apartment building -- by the Urban Market & Cafe. Darryl loves to talk and tell you about the Lord. I've learned a lot by chatting with Darryl. I feel very blessed to have these two homeless friends in my life.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Remembering Uncle David

Saturday, October 10, 2009
In Grandma's Button Box
Polly Got in the Paints Again
Friday, October 9, 2009
Button, Button, Who Has the Button?
Fair Day!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Driving in Dallas Can Be Challenging

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Baking Day!
Monday, October 5, 2009
First Etsy Order!!!!!!
Making the decision to change from my personal jewelry website to Etsy is a good decision. I made this change on August 23rd. With my personal website, I couldn't get over the hump of selling my jewelry outside of my circle of friends and family. It is a good feeling that my friends and family want to wear my jewelry creations, but I want to expand my business and sell to people I don't know. As every morning, I fix my cup of tea and turn on my computer to read/write my emails, look at my Facebook account and plan my day. This morning when I read my emails, there was an order confirmation from Etsy. I had placed an order on Etsy recently for a pendant and I have several other items earmarked to buy soon. So, at first when I read my email from Etsy, I thought it was about MY order I had placed. Then, it dawned on me that someone bought something from MY Etsy website! I was so excited when I finally figured it out! This is a photo of my FIRST Etsy order outside of my circle of friends and family. On Friday, I made this bracelet that I named "Elegance" and I posted it on Etsy last night. I'll be walking in the rain today to the post office to mail off my first Etsy order. I'm sure I won't even notice the rain.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Shrinky Dink Halloween Skeleton Necklace
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Best Ever Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies
Cooking Directions
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total: 15 minutes
1. Position two oven racks in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 350°F.
2. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, and stir with a wooden spoon until smooth.
3. Divide the dough into 24 portions, about 1 heaping tablespoon each. Roll each portion between your hands to form a smooth ball. Place the balls of dough on ungreased cookie sheets, spacing them 1 inch apart. You should get about 12 cookies per sheet. Using
a fork, press on the dough in two directions to form a crosshatch pattern.
4. Bake the cookies, rotating the sheets between oven racks and turning them back to front midway, until the cookies are puffed and lightly golden, about 10 minutes. Remove the baking sheets from the oven and let the cookies cool on the sheets. Then remove them with a metal spatula.
Makes about 24 cookies
Pearls Are a Girl's Best Friend
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Lizards Everywhere!