When we moved to The Mondrian in November 2009, we had to look through the poles and nets of the Hank Hankey Driving Range to see the Dallas skyline. A few weeks ago, the nets and poles were removed. It took a while to get the poles removed and the last of them were pulled out and taken away this past week. We can now see the Dallas skyline with little obstruction. We don't know what will be built in this space across the street from our apartment building, but Bob and I are hoping that whatever it is, the buildings will not be too high and block our beautiful view of downtown Dallas!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
A Clear View of Downtown Dallas
When we moved to The Mondrian in November 2009, we had to look through the poles and nets of the Hank Hankey Driving Range to see the Dallas skyline. A few weeks ago, the nets and poles were removed. It took a while to get the poles removed and the last of them were pulled out and taken away this past week. We can now see the Dallas skyline with little obstruction. We don't know what will be built in this space across the street from our apartment building, but Bob and I are hoping that whatever it is, the buildings will not be too high and block our beautiful view of downtown Dallas!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
From the Goodwill Store to Brand New

Today my beads have been calling me. I had several ideas in my head that I wanted to get made into new pieces of jewelry. I should be cooking soup for the Lenten soup supper at the church tonight, cleaning the apartment, exercising or doing something more useful, but I ignored what I SHOULD be doing and decided to do what I WANTED to do. I wrote earlier about buying some jewelry at the Goodwill Stores last Saturday and I wanted to make some new jewelry with the components. I used the pendant from one of the necklaces and made a necklace that I named Miss O'Flarity. When my sister and I were little, we used to dress up in Grandma's clothes, put the kitchen chairs together in a straight line, put our dolls on the chairs and we took our "train" to many unknown parts of the world. Our grandpa called us "Miss O'Flarity" and Miss "McGillicutty". For some reason this necklace looked "old" and reminded me of my Grandma Purdue and of the times when my sister and I were Miss O'Flarity and Miss McGillicutty.
The other necklace I named "Feathers & Stone". I bought this much-too-expensive long, oval Jasper bead from an online source just because I liked it. I had no idea what I wanted to make with it, but I wanted my necklace to be very special and unusual. This necklace really doesn't look anything like what I first had in mind, but I like the outcome much better than my original idea. And I certainly like the gold charms better on my necklace than on the gaudy, old, gold one!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
My Goodwill Store Finds
I was inspired by the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue!

Don, Bob's friend at work, told Bob that he had seen a TV program about the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and how the magazine uses jewelry from small business owners for their swimsuit models and photos. Don knows that I make jewelry. I bought the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and brought it home to look at the jewelry on the models. Bob told me that I am a "Good Wife", bringing him a girlie magazine! I am sure that he was NOT looking at the jewelry, however! I DID look at the jewelry on the models and I found a lot I liked. There was one beaded necklace that I fell in love with. I found a website with the necklace on it and it was priced at just under $10,000!!! I am definitely out of this league! I won't be making any jewelry for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue any time soon. I saw another beaded necklace I liked on one of the models and when I looked at the website, I didn't find that particular necklace, but I did see a beaded bracelet that I liked. I decided to try to copy it. In the description, it listed the materials used. Last night after we went out to dinner, I asked Bob to take me to Michael's Crafts so I could buy the materials so I could make this bracelet. I started right in on making it when I got home and I was up way past my bedtime, but I am pleased with the results. I bought the hemp, but I already had the beads that I used to make this bracelet. I used 27 DIFFERENT kinds of beads. I was going to list them, but I will spare you. The bracelet took me nearly three hours to make and I won't be selling any of them on my Etsy website. If you MUST have one of these bracelets, contact me and we can discuss it. I won't be making any of them for FREE!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I like "Decorates"!

I am like my niece Tarah. I go for the "decorates" on the sweaters, blouses, dresses and such. My sister enjoys sewing for a hobby and when our nieces, Tarah & Chelsea, were little, Cindy made them clothes. Cindy makes clothes for the whole family. I have a drawer full of vests she has made for me -- at least one for every holiday and then some. One time she made a dress for Tarah when she was little, but Tarah said she would not wear it because it didn't have "decorates" on it. She is like me. We like the ruffles, buttons, ribbons, beads and such on our clothes. I was shopping at the mall today and I noticed that nearly every item I picked up to look at had "decorates" on it. This is a sweater at Forever 21 that I fell in love with. I love the "decorates", but not the color. I will have to get my sister to make one like it for me!
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