Bob and I got asked to babysit AGAIN for Caty, Carson & Christian this past weekend!! What FUN! Corbin and Christy went to a wedding and stayed downtown Tulsa in a hotel overnight on Saturday. The kid's other set of grandparents live a mile away and they get to babysit a lot, but Bob and I have not been able to sit much since we live in Dallas and they live in Tulsa. So, I started begging to let us sit for the kids. I didn't mind that we had to drive four hours to do this. We were going to spend quality time with our grand kids!! I found some paper dolls online at www.makingfriends.com and printed out some of the paper dolls and their wardrobe. The girls and I spent all of Saturday cutting them out and playing with them. I showed Caty & Carson how they could put cardboard on the backs of the dolls with an "X" at the bottom so they can stand up by themselves. The girls got creative and even made a Christmas tree with ornaments and presents! Then, they took the paper dolls upstairs to their playroom and played with them in their doll houses.
I remember when my sister and I used to sit for hours to play with and cut out paper dolls. We made the paper dolls and clothes ourselves and some we cut out of the Sears and J. C. Penneys catalogs. Our Grandma Purdue used to get the out-of-season pattern books from Haines and Essick in Decatur and Cindy and I would sit at their dining room table and cut out the ladies and clothes.
I remember a car trip we took when our family had a station wagon. Cindy and I sat in the back end and played with our paper dolls. I have no idea where we went or what we did. I just remember playing with the paper dolls.
Christian wasn't interested in the paper dolls, thank goodness. That would have been a mess! He hung out with Bob on the swing set in the backyard, playing in the girl's Barbie motorized cars and watching Nick Jr.
It was a wonderful, quality time with our grand kids!!
You can see more photos from our weekend in Tulsa at