This is the day that the Lord hath made. I shall rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24
Bob and I drove to Tulsa on Friday afternoon. It was terrible weather, raining most of the way going north on 75. There was even hail at one point. It was gray and cool (low 60's) when we arrived in Tulsa. Bob and I checked into the Hampton Inn hotel and we took his brother John out to dinner.
On Saturday, the weather was still gray, cool and drizzly. We thought we would have some time with Bob's daughters who were also visiting in Tulsa, but they were tied up. Bob and I went to Savoy's for breakfast. They have the biggest, yummiest cinnamon rolls I have ever had! It had been a long time since we ate one and it tasted so-o good! I have been on a mostly sugar-free diet since last July, and the icing on the cinnamon roll was way over-the-top sweet, but I ate it anyway. Since we had the day to ourselves, we decided to go see the movie, "Water for Elephants". I read the book which was wonderful and I wanted to see the movie. I highly recommend both! The movie followed the book and it was wonderful. Bob enjoyed it too. We had dinner at Genghis Grill. Bob's daughters, Jenny, Amy and Amy's husband Jonathan and three boys, Samuel, Jezreel and Daniel, came over to our hotel to visit that evening. We had just been to Bentonville, AR to visit Amy and her family, but it was good to see them again.
On Easter Sunday, I got dressed in my new pink silk blouse, skirt, pantyhose and heels and when we stepped outside to get into the car, it was raining HARD! I told Bob that I thought it was an "icky day". That brought to mind the Bible verse from Psalms 118:24 -- "This is the day that the Lord hath made. I shall rejoice and be glad in it." I was so glad to be alive, with my wonderful husband and in Tulsa with our families, regardless of the rain.
We met Corbin and his family at church for the Easter service. Corbin had gotten in the night before from a 12-day trip with Young Life in Bulgaria, building playgrounds for kids. He said there were around 30 leaders, of which he was one of them, and 200 kids. I was so proud of him! After the church service, we went to Christy's parent's house for brunch and for Christian's 3rd birthday party.
Bob and I drove back home in lots of hard rain. I was happy when we got home and so glad that we were able to enjoy our families too. Here is the link to the photos I took --