After nearly 14 years of marriage -- on August 27th -- the honeymoon photo is FINALLY in a frame! I was talking to Sandy, my ex-husband's cousin, a couple weeks ago at dinner, and she mentioned that she had her grandmother's button collection but she didn't know what to do with them. I told her about these photo frames I saw at Michael's Craft store where you could glue things around the outside edge and then put a photo inside. I told her to glue the buttons around the outside and to put a photo of Grandma T. in the frame. I had planned to do this with our honeymoon photo, but it was one of those craft projects that never moved up to #1 on my list of Things To Do Some Day. Today, I had to go to Michael's to look for a beading item and I saw these frames. It was only $1.00, so I decided I'd better get one and glue the shells from our honeymoon on it and add our honeymoon photo. Bob and I went to South Padre Island for a week in Oct. 1995. Yes, we got married in August, but the honeymoon was planned for October. We had a date set in Oct. for our wedding, but four days before Sunday the 27th, I was getting anxious and stressed about the wedding and Bob asked me what I wanted to do about it. I told him that I just wanted to go to a church and get married without all of the hooplah. I'd done that the first time around. He asked me when I wanted to get married and I said, "How about Sunday?" So, we did! We talked to the pastor and he said that he hadn't printed up the bulletins yet. We walked into the church on Sunday the 27th with all 5 of our kids and some family members and we got up during the middle of the Sunday service and was married. Easy as that! But we kept our honeymoon date in October. When we were in South Padre, we had been taking photos of each other, but we had none of the two of us. I told Bob that we needed at least one photo of the two of us together. So, Bob set his camera up on a fence post, set the timer and ran to get in this photo. We might look a bit older, grayer, and heavier than we did in August 1995, but we're still very happy!!