Ever since I made the wire and bead cuff bracelet, I've wanted to make some more jewelry with wire and beads. I enjoy using wire. I want to spread out and try other media with my jewelry, so this is one of them. Yesterday I ran across a wire and bead necklace on the Internet and after I got into bed last night, thoughts of wire and beaded necklaces were going through my head and I almost got back up out of bed to try something right then. But I didn't want to disturb Bob since he hadn't been sleeping very well. I knew that if I got up and turned on lights downstairs that he'd have to get up too. So, I laid in bed and thought about my new wire and bead jewelry designs I wanted to try. I had the car today, so I went to Michael's Craft Store to look for a pink gemstone for the pendant on my necklace to put with wire. I'd seen some there like what I had in mind. But, I didn't find anything there that jumped out and said "Buy Me". I took a friend to lunch at Steak 'n Shake on my gift card I received at Christmas, then I came home to find that website I saw yesterday with the wire and bead necklace on it. I looked for at least an hour and I saw every kind of wire and bead necklace on the Wide World Web, I think, but I couldn't find THE ONE I saw yesterday! I was sure it was from a book on wire and bead jewelry. So, I drove to Border's bookstore and I spent at least another hour looking through every wire and bead book they had. I didn't find anything similar to what I was looking for. And I didn't really get any inspirations from my hunt either. When I got home, I sat down in my "beading studio" (a.k.a. our dining room table) and I made the necklace in the photo. It is nothing like what I had in mind last night, but I kind of like it. Maybe I need to find some classes in wire and beaded jewelry.
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