Bob and I decided to get into the 21st Century! We bought a "new" car, a 2007 Mercedes E350 and traded in our 1991 Mercedes. Then, I decided I needed a new cell phone. My old Sprint cell phone was purchased when we moved to Sarasota in 2001. Well, I guess that is in this century, but it was certainly out-dated. And, the screen was very scratched and faded and I could hardly read it to make a phone call. Sometimes it was like playing Russian Roulette to see whom I ended up calling! I told Bob that since I had been with Sprint for so long, I felt like I was being disloyal if I changed to another carrier. He looked online and found this Samsung Sprint phone for me. I love it! I now can do texting, emailing, accessing Google and taking photos, among other applications. Bob and I were walking on the Katy Trail a couple weeks ago and I said I wanted to get a pedometer to keep track of my steps. He said, "There is an app for that!" He downloaded Cardio Trainer on my cell phone that keeps track of my steps. My phone does a lot of things that I doubt I'll ever use, such as make chirping sounds that sound like crickets! And it has a flashlight and a level. But, now you can send me a text! Try it out! I'd love to hear from you!
Linda, I am SOOOO happy for you, a phone that is more than a phone! I am pretty sure if you look enough there may even be some kind of beading/jewelry app. Have fun and good luck!