Nance's church had a garage sale and she took all of the leftover jewelry from it to send to me. She knows that I enjoy turning old jewelry into my own, fun creations. I was anxious to see what she sent to me.
Nance was persistent. She had a tracking number on the box and after inquiring as to who signed for the package, she gave me the information. I called the DPL Flats on Browder four times and each time, of course, I talked to someone different. I also was persistent. Each time they wanted different information from me. This morning I decided to call once more and the lady told me that they found the package! I hopped immediately on the trolley and took a trip downtown and retrieved my long, lost package.
It was fun going through all of the old jewelry. I started getting ideas right away for some of the pieces. I'm sure my mind will be whirring tonight in my sleep, coming up with more wonderful ideas on how to use these fun pieces of jewelry that someone else thought should go into the trash.
You know that old saying about how "one man's junk is another man's treasure". I found lots of treasures in this box.
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