My Aunt Eileen who lives in IL is visiting her son, my cousin Larry and his daughter, Katie, in Austin this week. They came over to Dallas today to visit with us. Katie was standing on our balcony and asked about the train tracks that she could see and we told her the tracks are for the McKinney Street Trolley. She told us that she had a list of "Ninety Things To Do Before She Turns Ninety" -- Katie will be twelve next week. -- and one of those things on her list is to ride on a trolley. After lunch at Luby's, Aunt Eileen's favorite restaurant, we all got on the trolley and rode it from McKinney Street -- a block from our apartment -- to the end of the line at St. Paul and back home. It took us about an hour for a round trip ride. It was a very interesting ride. The driver told us that the trolley car we were on is the newest one in Dallas and it was built in 1920. He had been driving for 35 years and he is one of eight licensed trolley car drivers in the United States. I wouldn't want to ride on the trolley if I was in a hurry to get anywhere, but it was a lot of fun for a leisurely afternoon ride. We all enjoyed it!
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