It is a Rainy Day in Dallas today. But, I am enjoying it for a change. I usually don't like getting out in the rain if I don't have to. Bob and I have been walking back and forth from the DART train station to go to work and I was dreading having to walk if we were having bad weather. Bob took our car into the fix-it shop yesterday and it wasn't ready to be picked up last night. So, here we were stuck without our car and a Rainy Day. It is a warm day and the rain is just a slow, steady rain, so it really wasn't bad walking in the rain. I find it almost . . . calming. I can think of three instances when I actually enjoyed walking in the rain. The first time we weren't walking, but horseback riding. I was with my mom, dad, sister and brother and we were vacationing in the Smokey Mountains. I was in high school and I thought I was too old to be going on a vacation with my family. I wanted to stay home, but Mom & Dad thought otherwise. We decided to take a horseback riding tour with a guide and it started raining. Daddy started making jokes about it and soon we were all laughing and having fun. We were stuck there and we all just decided to make it FUN. The second time was when Bob and I were living in Dallas. We had decided to walk five blocks from our house to Greenville Avenue to listen to one of our favorite singer/guitar players at one of the bars. It started to rain right before we were going to leave to go home. It didn't look like the rain was going to quit any time soon so we decided to go ahead and walk home. We started out running, but we were so totally wet (and out of breath), so we just walked and decided to enjoy it. The third time I enjoyed being in the rain was when my friend Mary came to Sarasota to visit us. The day she arrived was a beautiful day and we enjoyed walking on the beach after dinner that night. The next day Hurricane Jeanne hit Florida. It was supposed to have gone up the east coast, but it came up the west coast instead. We sat in the house all day and I could tell that Mary was worried. I'd been through a few hurricanes already so I knew what to expect. The winds calmed down in the late afternoon, so Mary and I decided to get out of the house and take a walk. Well, we found out that the winds hadn't calmed down all that much! We ended up holding hands like grade school kids do when they are on a field trip. We walked a couple of blocks, holding hands, getting wet and laughing all the way. So, if you have a Rainy Day, get out there and enjoy it!!! You might end up liking it!
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