Monday, January 31, 2011
New Beads!!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Linda's Trip to Florida -- Vero Beach
On Friday, Chris took me to a couple of bead shops, some thrift shops and we had a nice walk along the Indian River and the Wabasso Beach. We looked for shells and sea glass. Chris collects sea glass and she has a few containers filled with it. Last year Chris gave me some of her sea glass that I used in pieces of jewelry.
My niece Chelsea and my nephew Paul live with Chris. Chelsea is working at American Eagle at the mall and going to school to get her degree in accounting. Paul is in his senior year of high school. He is excelling in the ROTC program and he plans to train as a Navy Seal after graduation.
On Saturday, I THOUGHT my flight from Orlando back to Dallas was at 7 p.m. So, Chris and I decided to spend the day shopping at an outlet mall. Chris isn't much of a shopper like I am, but I was thrilled that she took me! We had a wonderful time! We went back to her house for some leftover quiche. Then, I drove back to Orlando.
As I was standing in line to check my bags, I looked at my itinerary and saw that my plane was leaving in 10 minutes!!! Well, I missed that one, needless to say. I was put on another plane that left an hour after I arrived at the airport and it was a better flight since I didn't have a layover in Houston.
If you would like to view more photos from my trip, you can access them at
Linda's Trip to Florida -- Part 2
After I left Gainesville on Sunday the 23rd, I started my 904-mile trip through FL to visit friends and family. I drove on Sunday to Sarasota to have lunch with Nance, Diana and Jo, whom I worked with at Aqua Utilities for five years. It was great to see them and get caught up!
Then, I drove to Tampa for dinner with Zach. It was a quick dinner and chat, but I am glad I got to see him. I wanted to get to Parrish, where I was staying with my friend Pat and her husband Ross, before dark.
I stayed with Pat & Ross through Thursday. They have a lovely home in Parrish, north of Bradenton. Pat and I both love to shop, so we drove to the Brandon Mall on Monday.
On Wednesday, I drove to Sarasota and met some of my former St. Paul Lutheran Church Red Hat ladies for lunch. Rosalie was celebrating her 91st birthday! Such FUN chatting with wonderful friends!
Of course, while I was near my most favorite bead shop, F.O.B. Beads, I had to go buy some beads!
And, my ex-husband's cousin, Marty, and her husband were vacationing/camping near Bradenton the same week that I was there. They live in Alabama. Since we hadn't seen each other since the late 80's, we just HAD to make an effort to get together! We sure did a lot of talking in the short time we were together! Thank goodness for emails and Skype!
If you want to see more photos, you can access my Shutterfly album at this link --
Linda's Trip to Florida
On Friday morning, Michael taught his law class at City College. I asked if I could sit in and watch, but since the class started at 8:30 a.m., I decided to pass on this opportunity. I had breakfast at the hotel and took a walk to the local Dollar Store and a thrift shop near the hotel. Michael picked me up for lunch and we went to the Olive Garden. We decided to eat light since we were planning to spend the evening having dinner with his girlfriend, Katie. Before dinner, Michael took me to two bead shops! He walked through them quickly to see what I thought was so interesting about bead shops, then he stood outside to wait for me. It was very sweet of him to take me. I met his girlfriend Katie and we went to dinner at Carrabba's. After dinner, they took me back to the hotel, where we sat and talked.
On Saturday, Michael picked me up for breakfast. I wanted to go to McDonald's for an Egg McMuffin. He said he would take me to some place better, but this is what I wanted. Then, we drove to the Devil's Millhopper Geological State Park -- Michael mentioned that there is a sinkhole there and I wanted to see it. I had something in mind already before I saw this sinkhole, as there was one mentioned in "The Lovely Bones" that I had read recently. This sinkhole was nothing like the one in the book, however. There is a 232-step stairway to the bottom which I walked down and then back up! Whew! I should have had a physical exam before I did that!!
DeWayne, who has Cavan's left kidney and liver, and his mother, drove over from Jacksonville to spend the afternoon with us. We went to lunch at the Genghis Grill. Michael, DeWayne and his mother had never gone there, but they enjoyed it.
We all spent the afternoon looking at old photos that DeWayne brought and getting caught up. I talk to Michael & DeWayne a few times each month. They are definitely a part of me now. I love them both dearly and they are very deserving of Cavan's organs.
If you would like to see more photos of my time spent with Michael & DeWayne, you can see them on my Shutterfly album --
On Sunday, Michael took me to Micky Dee's again for another Egg McMuffin. I don't like Fast Food, but I do like a good Egg McMuffin now and then! After breakfast, I got my rental car, a Ford Focus, and said good-bye to Michael. Then, I started my 904-mile trip around Florida.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Another Found Object for New Jewelry?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Homelessness in Dallas

I saw these signs on my walk to Albertson's. They are hard to read in this photo, but there is someone going around Dallas leaving these cutouts with heavy messages about the homelessness here in Dallas. I stopped to read them and a news crew from Channel 8 was filming them. They asked me if they could interview me and I said "yes". I might be on the late news tonight! They also told me that these illegal signs were all around the Dallas area, but many had already been removed.
Homelessness is a big issue in Dallas. I'm sure it is a big issue in most big cities. Bob and I saw it first hand when we lived in downtown Dallas. We don't see so much of it here in the Uptown area where we now live. I do go downtown often to the library, my eye doctor and just to meet my friend Bradley at Starbucks now and then for tea and good conversation. I met Bradley when Bob and I lived downtown and Bradley stood on the Starbucks corner selling the "Zine" newspaper that addresses homelessness. Bradley WAS homeless, but now he lives in a government subsidized apartment. I still keep in touch with Bradley and meet him at Starbucks or for lunch whenever I go downtown.
I hope a lot of people will stop to read these signs and take to heart the homeless issue.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Roadkill Bottle Cap Necklace II
Monday, January 10, 2011
Copies of Nordstrom Jewelry

A friend of mine will be attending her son's wedding in February and she asked me if I could copy a necklace and earrings she saw at Nordstrom, but she didn't want to pay the Nordstrom price for them. She described the necklace and earrings and I found them on the Nordstrom website. The upper left is the necklace and earrings I made for Judy and my price isn't even HALF of the Nordstrom price!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
The Hunt for Roadkill Bottle Caps

Last summer when I was visiting my sister and mom in IL, Cindy and I went to a bead shop in Springfield. The owner of the shop had just returned from the big bead show in Milwaukee that Cindy and I had also attended. The lady took us upstairs, away from the shop, to show Cindy and me the beads she bought at the show. She didn't have them marked yet for sale in the shop, so Cindy and I got first dibs on them. There were these wonderful, rusty, smashed bottle caps that I HAD to buy, but I had no idea what I was going to do with them. When I got home, I made a necklace and wore it a few times. When I was in Tulsa a couple of months later, I met my friend Rhonda for lunch and she bought my Bottle Cap Roadkill necklace.
After Cindy and I started our new line of jewelry made from recycling things, I thought of those rusty, smashed bottle caps. I think that another necklace and a pair of earrings might sell in the Walleska store. Yesterday on my walk around West Village, I looked for some rusty, smashed bottle caps, but I didn't find any. The parking lots around where I live are too clean! I started thinking about where I could find these old bottle caps that I needed for my new pieces of jewelry. Then it hit me! Deep Ellum! This is an area close to downtown Dallas that used to be THE PLACE to go for bars, restaurants, unique shops and tattoo parlors. This was in the late 90's. Since then, many of the places have closed down. But, when Bob and I walked around today to look for rusty, smashed bottle caps, I hit the jackpot! I can't wait to start making some more Roadkill Bottle Cap jewelry!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
From Trash to New Jewelry!
Smashed Tape Player -- Piece of Trash or Jewelry?
As I was walking the 1/2 mile to the dentist office yesterday, I saw this smashed tape player sitting in someone's yard -- right by the edge of the sidewalk. I don't like to walk in people's yards, but if something is sitting right beside the sidewalk, then I'll take it if it is something that I think no one would want. I'm sure no one would want this broken tape player. Right? And why would I drag this piece of trash home with me, you ask? Well, keep your eyes on my blog and you will see!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Dizzy Discards in Walleska Store in West Village!!!

There is a new store in West Village, just a couple blocks from our apartment, and when I went in it one day a couple weeks ago, the sales lady and I started talking. This store has clothes, purses, and jewelry made with recycled items. A lot of the clothes and purses are made with pull tabs from beer and soda cans. Check it out -- They are quite unusual. That night I couldn't sleep for thinking about the jewelry I can make and have made with recycled items. Cindy and I have already made a few pieces of jewelry using sea glass, beads made with recycled bottle glass, and pieces found on existing jewelry that we bought from the Goodwill stores. My mind was racing 100 mph that night trying to think up more jewelry to make with recycled items, what to name our new line of jewelry and how I wanted our business cards and logo to look. Last week Cindy came to visit and we started brain storming. We decided to start a new line of jewelry using recycled items and we named it Dizzy Discards. She and I sat down and made several new pieces of jewelry. Cindy made bracelet cuffs using plastic water bottles and material from a silk mans tie and one from a silk kimono (Check out the blog I wrote on that on Jan. 1, 2011.). I made a necklace from some plastic grocery sacks from the grocery store and a pin from an old sweater. Today I took some of our jewelry made with recycled items to Walleska and Tasia took four of our necklaces to sell on consignment!! I'm excited! I'll keep you posted on our new venture and the sales at Walleska.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Dizzy Discards
Cindy and I started a new line of jewelry called Dizzy Discards. This new line can be found at our NeeNee & CheeChee's Beaded Things website under its own section -- Dizzy Discards. We decided we needed a special name, logo and business cards for our new venture. We are making some new jewelry using recycled components that we buy at bead stores, such as the recycled bottle glass beads and we are also recycling items, such as plastic water bottles, plastic grocery bags, items found and bought at thrift shops, and things around the house, such as pieces of fabric, felt and buttons. Cindy made two light-weight cuffs using sections of plastic water bottles that she put inside of sleeves of fabric. The fabrics she used were a kimono and a man's tie she bought at the Goodwill store. I made the brooch with the face, hands and many shoes using a piece of a sweater I bought at the Goodwill store. You might have already seen some of these necklaces already on the NeeNee & CheeChee's Beaded Things website. They are still there, only now under the section called Dizzy Discards. If you have any good ideas for jewelry we can make with recycled items, please let us know. We might even send you a piece of our jewelry for FREE!