I saw these signs on my walk to Albertson's. They are hard to read in this photo, but there is someone going around Dallas leaving these cutouts with heavy messages about the homelessness here in Dallas. I stopped to read them and a news crew from Channel 8 was filming them. They asked me if they could interview me and I said "yes". I might be on the late news tonight! They also told me that these illegal signs were all around the Dallas area, but many had already been removed.
Homelessness is a big issue in Dallas. I'm sure it is a big issue in most big cities. Bob and I saw it first hand when we lived in downtown Dallas. We don't see so much of it here in the Uptown area where we now live. I do go downtown often to the library, my eye doctor and just to meet my friend Bradley at Starbucks now and then for tea and good conversation. I met Bradley when Bob and I lived downtown and Bradley stood on the Starbucks corner selling the "Zine" newspaper that addresses homelessness. Bradley WAS homeless, but now he lives in a government subsidized apartment. I still keep in touch with Bradley and meet him at Starbucks or for lunch whenever I go downtown.
I hope a lot of people will stop to read these signs and take to heart the homeless issue.
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