There is a new store in West Village, just a couple blocks from our apartment, and when I went in it one day a couple weeks ago, the sales lady and I started talking. This store has clothes, purses, and jewelry made with recycled items. A lot of the clothes and purses are made with pull tabs from beer and soda cans. Check it out -- www.walleskaecochicc.com They are quite unusual. That night I couldn't sleep for thinking about the jewelry I can make and have made with recycled items. Cindy and I have already made a few pieces of jewelry using sea glass, beads made with recycled bottle glass, and pieces found on existing jewelry that we bought from the Goodwill stores. My mind was racing 100 mph that night trying to think up more jewelry to make with recycled items, what to name our new line of jewelry and how I wanted our business cards and logo to look. Last week Cindy came to visit and we started brain storming. We decided to start a new line of jewelry using recycled items and we named it Dizzy Discards. She and I sat down and made several new pieces of jewelry. Cindy made bracelet cuffs using plastic water bottles and material from a silk mans tie and one from a silk kimono (Check out the blog I wrote on that on Jan. 1, 2011.). I made a necklace from some plastic grocery sacks from the grocery store and a pin from an old sweater. Today I took some of our jewelry made with recycled items to Walleska and Tasia took four of our necklaces to sell on consignment!! I'm excited! I'll keep you posted on our new venture and the sales at Walleska.
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