Today I took a scenic drive around Dallas. It certainly wasn't intended. I had lots of errands to run and I was trying to hurry and get them finished before I met my friend Pat for lunch at Bread Winners. I went to a bead shop and I forgot that this particular place didn't open until 11 a.m. and it was 10:15. So, I decided I'd go up to Michael's and Borders, then after lunch I'd go back to the bead shop. Whenever I have a choice to make as to turning right or left, I ALWAYS pick right! I have no idea why, but I just do. Bob teases me about this. When I come out of a store at the mall or coming out of a restaurant, no matter which way I SHOULD go, I immediately turn RIGHT! Well, I was driving away from the bead store where I've been many times, but I guess I wasn't paying attention and I came to a fork in the road and which way did I go? You guessed it -- RIGHT! I didn't realize that I wasn't on the right road to where I wanted to go until I was way past anything I recognized. I ended up going around White Rock Lake and down some roads where I'd never been before. I think I might have been in Garland. Well, maybe I've been on these roads before, but I don't remember when it was. Maybe back in 1996 when we lived in Dallas the first time. Anyway, just at the point where I was going to turn around and retrace my steps back to the bead store, I saw a sign that said "Mockingbird Rd." I DID know Mockingbird Rd. I got onto it, but then I didn't know if I was headed east or west!! I've never been any good at directions. My friend Cathy can tell you this. One time I was standing on the square in Springfield, IL, with my friend Cathy and I had no idea where I was!! She bought me a compass charm for my charm bracelet shortly after that! Well, I just kept driving and FINALLY I got to the corner of Abrams and Mockingbird Rd. This was a corner I knew, so I knew where I was. I certainly took the LONG WAY to Michael's. Next week when I have the car, I think I will print out some maps from Google AND the reverse directions too, so I can get to where I'm going and get back home!
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