This bracelet was what started me on my beading hobby. One Easter after church, about six years ago, Bob and I stopped at the Southgate Mall in Sarasota on our way home. We walked around the mall and I saw a bracelet similar to this one at a kiosk. I was too expensive for me to buy at the time. There was a bead store, F.O.B. Beads, about a mile from our house that I had visited to look at their beads. I had never tried any beading projects, but I love to do many kinds of crafts and I thought it would be fun to try a new hobby. I figured I could make a bracelet like the one I saw at the mall for much less than what it was selling for. I bought these beads at F.O.B. Beads and I asked some questions about what to use to string them on, etc. I didn't know how to finish it of with a clasp, so the lady at the store said that for $5.00, she would do it for me. I watched her as she did it and it didn't look very hard. Shortly afterwards, I was in my front yard talking to my neighbor, Lori, who had also just started making beaded jewelry. Lori told me about another beadshop within a mile of our house and the man who owned the shop taught anyone how to do the beading for FREE! Lori and I spent a couple of Saturday afternoons with him and he showed us how to make many beaded items. This was the start of my beading hobby.
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