Monday, July 9, 2012


I love making new friends.  I have many friends whom I have known throughout my sixty three years and I work hard at keeping these friends.  Friendships take a lot of work, but I believe that it is worth it many times over.  I take the time every day to correspond with these friends via emails, phone calls, Facebook and letters.  Once I have become friends with someone, they are a friend for life.  I cherish ALL of my wonderful friends!  Today I made a NEW friend -- Lyn Belisle.  Lyn and I met through Etsy, a website for people who want to sell their homemade and vintage items.  Lyn makes and sells her clay Spirit Faces through Etsy and a few months ago I bought some of them.  Lyn asked for photos of the items I made with her Spirit Faces so she could put my photos on her blog.  We started corresponding via emails and through Etsy and today we met for the first time.  Lyn lives in San Antonio.  Bob goes to San Antonio periodically for meetings with his H.E.B. client so when I found out that he was going on a business trip today, I asked if I could tag along so I could meet Lyn.  Bob and I drove to San Antonio yesterday and we had a lovely evening dining and walking on the Riverwalk.  Today he went to his business meeting and Lyn came to the hotel to pick me up so we could chat, get to know each other and have lunch.  We had so much to talk about and of course, we already have another date lined up to get together in December.  My sister Cindy also bought some of Lyn's Spirit Faces for jewelry and Cindy will be visiting me in December.  Lyn and Cindy are anxious to meet each other too.  I enjoyed my day making another life long friend.

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